Sunday, May 4, 2014

No Subject (May 4, 2014)

Hello, everyone. Just thought I'd say upfront that I don't have any pictures this week, and I left my journal at home so my memory isn't 100%. But you'll see me on Skype soon enough so it's all good!

We had a really busy week. Our main focus is still Ru, who's an awesome kid and still wants to get baptized but keeps not coming to church for various reasons. This time he had a cold. The Japanese people are very cautious when it comes to colds. First, they'll wear a white surgical mask everywhere they go (or maybe a black one, if if they're a rebel. I've seen it), and then refuse to travel anywhere. Although my view is probably skewed because people tend to make up excuses to avoid missionaries sometimes. Maybe if it was for someone else they'd tough it out.

Anyway, Ru is way funny and reminds me of little brothers. This week when we went over for dinner he claimed to have an allergy and ran around holding his nose, pretending to barf, until he found out the food actually didn't have peppers in it and made a miraculous recovery. We really hope he can just come to church these next two weeks, in order to get baptized on the 18th. If I need to bribe him with candy, I'll do it. Haha. He always has a good time at church, it's just getting him there that's hard. Seems like that's how most people are.

Other highlights of the week:
- Mission Leadership Council, where we discussed how the work has changed since using the iPad and Facebook. So weird! I had no idea about any of this high-tech stuff when I put my papers in.
- a huge ward barbeque at a seaside park, which was really fun and provided lots of good teaching moments for us. It was an hour and a half bike ride there so I earned all the yakisoba I ate.
- having an investigator show up to our lesson in a kimono, when we've only ever seen him in Western clothes. He said it was his "casual wear"

Actually, Kay's (kimono man) lesson was a really cool experience. We started by reading part of the Book of Mormon with him, and after asking a question he sat there for ten minutes in silence, reading and pondering. Missionaries always say "the Spirit was so strong in that lesson!" and of course I've felt it before while teaching, but never like that night. It was like an extra presence in the room that we were all aware of. Kay is usually pretty talkative but he could feel the power of the Book of Mormon and was unable to speak for a long time.

Time's up, but I'm looking forward to talking to you soon. Hope everybody has a great week!
Love, Anna

This photo is recently published in the mission blog (but taken several months ago) and the caption is "These sisters in Niigata are excited about the new technology and its capabilities!"  They are Sister Crane, Sister Amituanai, Anna and Sister Wigginton.

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